Many of the ingredients that nourish your hair aren’t so great for your skin. In fact, they can lead to irritation and acne on your face/body.
Ingredients such as silicone, petroleum, cocoa butter, sodium lauryl sulfate, ammonium lauryl sulfate, mineral oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, and lanolin can cause breakouts, especially if it’s left on the skin.
Residue from these hair products can accumulate on your skin, causing acne. If you are prone to breakouts in areas including the hairline, neck, upper back, shoulders, and chest - we recommend finding a silicone-free shampoo and conditioner as well as avoiding the list of ingredients mentioned above.
If your favorite hair product contains one or more of these ingredients, don’t worry- you can still use it! Just make sure to cleanse your skin thoroughly after rinsing out your hair product. Body washes and cleansers with glycolic or salicylic acids will be especially helpful in dissolving the oils left behind. TRY: Jan Marini Bioglycolic Body Scrub. Also, avoid the transfer of such products onto your pillowcase, as they will end up absorbing into the skin. We also advise switching out your pillowcase regularly regardless of product usage due to the amount of dead skin shed during sleep.
Celebrity Hairstylist, Trace Henningsen gave us some of her hair picks for acne prone skin (Sulfate-free, paraben-free, sodium chloride-free, and colorant-free).
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