If you have acne and you’ve tried everything (including oral and topical prescriptions)
DON’T GIVE UP, try this:
Jan Marini Benzoyl Peroxide 10% Lotion
You can add this into the Jan Marini Skin Care Management System (shown in my previous blog)
If you have a severe case of acne, I suggest using the 10% benzoyl peroxide right underneath your (step 4/hydrate) both morning and night (after the Bioclear Lotion). Make sure that you layer the Antioxidant Sunscreen on top of it in the morning.
If you have a moderate case of acne, you can do one of two things. Either use the 10% benzoyl peroxide only at night OR use the 5% benzoyl peroxide both morning and night (following the same instructions for severe acne; shown above).
I KNOW MOST OTHER BENZOYL PEROXIDE PRODUCTS CAUSE IRRITATION, but this particular product has built-in, non-comedogenic moisturizers. Its particles are also micronized, allowing it to penetrate the skin deeply, providing for quick and effective results.
If you have any questions or requests, please don’t hesitate to ask!
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