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Writer's pictureLindsay Maree


Updated: Mar 14, 2019


I want to talk to you about acne and how to treat it internally using oil of oregano supplements. Oil of oregano contains some active ingredients that have been proven to kill certain viruses, bacteria and even fungi. Oil of oregano acts like a natural antibiotic! I’ve used oil of oregano in patients who were experiencing issues with acne with pretty great results, in most cases because it kills the acne bacteria. Here is the one from Amazon that I use and recommend.

Those of us who are acne prone, usually release certain hormones that increase sebaceous gland activity activity, which can clog-up the pores. When the pores are clogged, bacteria can then produce an infection at that site leading to acne lesions.

As an acne specialist, w made great strides treating acne topically, but we must not forget about what's going on internally!

Drug companies have come up with the drug Accutane in an attempt to alleviate acne. Accutane shrinks the skin’s sebaceous glands so they will no longer secrete as much sebum. However, Acutane is extremely toxic to our bodies. Its possible side-effects are liver damage, skin peeling, changes in cholesterol and triglycerite levels – and a host of other undesirable side-effects. I’m not a fan about people using Acutane, especially teenagers.

In certain cases, doctors will prescribe antibiotics, which might clear up the acne lesions, but you can’t just keep using antibiotics over and over again. You can end up developing strains of bacteria that are antibiotic resistant. Which becomes problematic if you ever need antibiotics in the future. This is why oil of oregano is such a great alternative. It contains natural bacteria killing agents thymol and carvacrol.

*It has several other health benefits that I will highlight in another post!

TO TREAT ACNE, I suggest patients to take 4 capsules a day until they see a signficiant change in their skin. Then, the dosage can be tapered down. I suggest starting a high quality probiotic at this point.

To get your customized acne regime by Lindsay Mareè book a treatment here


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1 Comment

Shan Hendon
Shan Hendon
Aug 09, 2024

hello Lindsay. How do you feel about tretinoin and can you suggest a high-quality probiotic?

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