Did you know that razor burn could be a more serious condition?
Pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) is most common on the male face, but it can also happen on other parts of the body where hair is shaved or plucked, especially areas where hair is curly and the skin is sensitive, such as genital shaving.
Pseudofolliculitis is caused by irritation from shaving and ingrown hairs.
After a hair has been shaved, it begins to grow back. Curly hair tends to curl into the skin instead of straight out the follicle, leading to an inflammation reaction. PFB can make the skin look itchy and red, and in some cases, it can even look like pimples. These inflamed papules or pustules can form especially if the area becomes infected.
Pseudofolliculitis barbae can further be divided into two types of ingrown hairs: transfollicular and extrafollicular. The extrafollicular hair is a hair that has exited the follicle and reentered the skin. The transfollicular hair never exits the follicle, but because of its naturally curly nature curls back into the follicle causing fluid build-up and irritation.
DON’T shave too closely. My suggestion would be to use the Wahl Peanut Trimmer or something like it.
DO EXFOLIATE by using products containing glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or Retin-A.
Here are some of my favorites. All can be used as an 'after shave' or daily - for prevention!
Book an exfoliating treatment with Lindsay Mareè
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