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Rx Pills vs Supplements for Your Skin

Writer's picture: Lindsay MareeLindsay Maree

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

At Artisan of Skin, we are dedicated to giving you clear, glowing skin by getting to the root of the issue (or issues) behind your skin’s problems.

SO many of our new patients come to us discouraged about their skin because the prescribed antibiotics or “magical” pill that they are taking haven’t delivered the results that were promised. Long-term use of antibiotics for the treatment of acne is known to take a toll on one’s gut health, namely by killing off the beneficial bacteria in the stomach that help us digest, absorb nutrients from our food, detox, and build immunity. As you can imagine, this can lead to re-occurring breakouts, severe digestive issues, and a handful of other ailments.

Aside from prescribed antibiotics, many vitamins marketed for skin health contain high doses of Vitamin B or Biotin, which also end up CAUSING breakouts if you aren’t truly deficient.

Here are a few of the tried and true supplements we recommend to our patients for optimal skin health from the inside, out:

• Vitamin D: Reduces excess oil production and overactive cell turnover while balancing hormones. It boosts the immune system, helping to fight infection and inflammation in the skin. It also has antioxidant properties.

• Zinc: Has anti-inflammatory properties, improves wound healing, prevents clogged pores, and supports the immune system.

• Check out our other blog posts about Cinnamon and Oregano Oil Supplements for hormonal or severe acne!


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