Over the years, your pores may become larger and deeper from constantly being clogged with dirt, oil and dead skin as well as sun damage and gravity alone. When a pore becomes clogged, the surrounding collagen and elastin fibers can overstretch while sun damage can compromise your skin’s collagen - leading to sagging of the pores. This is why enlarged pores may have not been a concern when you were younger, but drive you crazy now.
Even though your base pore size is genetically determined, you CAN minimize their appearance and effectively shrink them back to their original, pre-stretched state with the right treatments and products.
Retinoids - They work by increasing the skin’s collagen production and decreasing oil production which will tighten the pores.
WE RECOMMEND: Jan Marini Retinol Plus MD, Retinol Plus Mask, GLO Renew Serum. Prescription only - Peel and Bleach Cream.
AHA/BHA Acids - They work by penetrating and unclogging your pores, allowing the pores to shrink.
WE RECOMMEND: Jan Marini Bioglycolic Face Cleanser, Bioclear Lotion or Cream, GLO Renew Serum. Prescription only - Glycolic A or B.
*Reach out to see which product will be the best fit for you!
Peels + Extractions + LED Light Therapy - All of which are included in our Gly Glow and Gly Glow Deluxe Treatments. This treatment sloughs away dead skin cells, removes debris from the pores, and boosts collagen production - all allowing the pores to shrink in size.
Microneedling - Regenerates the skin cells, boosts collagen production, and allows for better product penetration- all reprogramming the skin to help your pores shrink back to their original size. Our microneedling treatments include a peel, extractions, and LED light therapy.
*For treatment booking and product purchases please call 424-280-6221
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